Baby Wha Wha

Get the Most Out of Your Baby Stroller

One of the most popular baby care products is a stroller. Even parents who choose to wear their babies in a sling or a backpack style carrier still find a baby stroller to be an absolutely essential product. Choosing the right stroller will be dependent upon your child's age and how you plan to use your stroller.


Baby strollers for very young infants should have a sturdy basket style seat where the baby can comfortably lay back. Old fashioned carriage style strollers fit this category.

Some parents choose to use a stroller frame as part of an infant carrier system. These useful strollers simply unfold to reveal a bar where an infant car seat can be conveniently attached. The baby can be taken from the car to the house and to the stroller without ever having to be lifted out of the carrier.

Newborns are typically light and easy to carry, so some parents do not choose to get a stroller until the baby is older.

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Infants Not Yet Sitting

Infants who are not yet sitting up on their own will need a stroller with a strong, sturdy back and support on the sides. Strollers for this age group do not need to lay back. In fact, babies will want to be able to sit up and take in the sites when they are awake. A stroller that converts from a seat to a bed is the perfect choice for an infant.

Confident Sitters

An infant that can sit up will need a sit that will allow a great view of what's ahead. Older babies want to be up and interacting with the world. Choose a stroller that has a place to attach toys and sippy cups, so the baby can play and drink on the go.

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Be careful with strollers that lay back because an older baby may sit up without notice and can fall.


When babies start walking, they will naturally spend less time in strollers. However, new walkers can't walk very far and are notoriously difficult to control. A smart parents will have an umbrella stroller ready for these occasions. A tray with hooks for toys is very useful for this age as well.

Unique Options

Sometimes parents find themselves in unique positions that require them to find a stroller to suit the individual needs of their families. 

- Families that include multiple babies may need a double, triple, quadruple or larger stroller so that all babies can be taken out at the same time. Some daycare centers also use strollers that can handle many children.

- Parents of young children who are different ages may need a configuration of stroller that allows for a baby to be placed in a secure seat while an older child can perch on a bench or even stand on a step on the other side of the stroller.

- Some families who live in an urban environment or walk nearly everywhere will want a large stroller with plenty of room for carrying groceries, coats or other supplies.

- Parents who want to exercise but need to take the baby along will want to look into buying a jogging stroller. These lightweight strollers have large wheels for bumpy terrain and are easily steered with one hand.

Strollers are a must have item for parents of babies and toddlers. With so many types available, it is easy to choose a stroller that fits your family's needs.